Thursday, 5 February 2009

Design Your Own Engagement Ring

Of course, designing a wedding ring isn't just confined to wedding rings, you can design a ring for any occasion you might choose. A good example of this is engagement rings. If you are about to propose to your other half then going the extra mile to design your own engagement ring is a wonderful thing to do - who knows it could even make the difference between a yes or a no!

Where To Start

Knowing where to start is the hardest part of planning engagement jewellery as there is simply so many options. You want your design to be unique - but not strange! Not too expensive - but not too cheap looking either.

There are so many options with type of ring too ranging from gold to diamond. Try to find out what your partner likes best (subtly of course) and then use this to plan a ring.

A good tip is to look through bridal magazines to get a feel for the style of ring that most attracts you - and most importantly that your partner will like. You'll also want to make sure that when you design your own engagement ring you do it with a professional who specialises in engagement rings.

It's also a good idea to take the magazines to the jewellers as this will help him or her narrow down exactly what you want.

Sketching Your Engagement Ring

This should be the final stage and should be done by a proficient artist! Once you have all the features of the ring sorted you can sketch it to give to your jeweller. Of course, if you aren't a confident artist you should get someone who is to do it to avoid any confusion in the design.

Things To Watch Out For

  • Make sure you get the ring created by a specialist. Shop around for the best deal and also look for reviews to make sure you're getting the right designer who can bring your creation to life.
  • Also shop around to get a lower price. A custom made engagement ring will cost more in general than a store bought one simply because of the extra man hours required to create it.